Dive deeper into some of the projects we've done!
Find out more about what we do in the new section of our website: Study cases!
🚀 Releases
Study cases
We have a new section on our website!
Learn more about dOrg and what we do, by reading study cases about previous clients and projects. You can now visit the study cases section here
dOrg Hot Seat episodes
We released Hot Seat episodes you can't miss!
You can listen to them on the platform of your choice: Spotify, Lens or Youtube.
Upskilling Workshop
Andrei hosted a workshop on AI Tools, its latest capabilities and how to integrate AI to your workflow. The workshop was amazing! You can now watch it here
DAO Drops Round 1 Results
DAO Drops round 1 is finally over and we have already published the results of round 1. In this report you will also find the next steps and possible improvements.
Be sure to check out the report to see how the money was distributed among the nominees!
📂 Members doings and their not-so-secret projects
TechieTee - Talk at IPFS Thing event.
TechieTee gave a talk on Federated Learning on FEVM at IPFS Thing.
To learn more, visit her twitter:
Massimiliano and Marco went to ETHTokyo on behalf of their project Galaxy Throne Warfare + ZK NFT bridge, and they won the Best Cross-Chain Hack from Polygon Labs using polygonzk! Here’s what they built:
Cedric Waxwing
Cedric has just launched his new website, where he showcased his projects, art, and awesome web design skills! If you haven't had a chance to check it out yet, head over to cedricwaxwing.xyz to see all the amazing work he's done.
Great news for those who attended Andrei's recent workshop on AI Tools! Following the thought-provoking and future-oriented event, he shared a link for anyone interested in contributing to the project.
Ori and Juan
Ori and Juan, his core collaborator, have been building this new game-changing project: The Mechanism Institute is a resource for designing cryptoeconomic solutions to coordination problems.
More information here
Max has been working on his side project Gyde, developing an app that connects disadvantaged communities with vital resources, and the website is now live!
Niraj has been featured on devfolio, a leading Web3 hackathon platform, he is now one of the featured builder profiles. If you want to learn more about Niraj and his work, be sure to check out his profile on Devfolio
Nick has been writing a weekly newsletter on LinkedIn, sharing the latest updates and news on blockchain, AI, IoT, and more. If you want to stay up-to-date on the latest trends and insights in these fields, be sure to check out his newsletter on LinkedIn
💰 Treasury Updates
If you are a dOrg active member, this is interesting for you!
The Q2 forecast:
dOrg Q2 2023 Treasury Forecast
If you're interested in learning more about our roadmap and where we're headed, be sure to check it out.
🧑💻 Builder of the month
Cedric Waxwing
Job: Designer
Specialization: Branding and UX/UI,
Nationality: Canadian
Location: Edmonton
Hobbies: Cycling/Hiking/Generative Art/DJing
What is it like to be a builder at dOrg?
Being a builder at dOrg is all of the benefits of working for yourself and all of the benefits of working with a company and then barely any of the negatives. You get complete flexibility and autonomy but with the structure and support of a team. It's incredible, and something I've been deeply grateful for ever since I joined 2 years ago.
What do you find most challenging about dOrg?
I think I'd have to say that it can be challenging to stay up to date on everything because there's so much happening just in this space alone, and then within the organization there are always 10-20 various initiatives happening at any given time. It can be a lot to stay up to date on it all.
What would you like others to know about dOrg?
When I first found out about DAOs and considered joining dOrg, my concern was that it would be a little cold and I'd miss that closeness that I had with previous jobs.
It couldn't be further from the truth, and I've had some very deep conversations with a number of individuals here, more so than any other job I've ever had. The biweekly syncs have also been a great way for folks to open up and share intimate stories. I was amazed at how open everyone was and it was really refreshing.
What is your typical day like?
After making breakfast for the kids and getting them to school, I come back and take some time to go on a quick walk (weather permitting since it's -40C sometimes here 🥶). I try to get a mental checklist of everything I need to accomplish that day and when I return I add it all to my todo.
After that I try to work for 5-8 hours, but if the weather is really nice, I usually try to take advantage of it during the day and go out on a bike ride or another walk. It's nice having this flexibility, because I am able to do this even when I'm quite busy, since I can just work for a few hours after the kids are in bed.
📆 Upcoming events
dOrg Hot Seat ft. Job Protocol
We have several episodes planned, but the one coming soon is with Job Protocol as our guest, a new decentralized project that connects companies with an ecosystem of talent partners to hire faster and cheaper.
Upskilling Workshop
We are excited to announce that workshops on how to get leads/potential clients for dOrg are on the way: Join us on 11th May 18:00 CET/12:00 EST. This is a fantastic opportunity for anyone attending IRL events to capitalize on their network and connections.
REMINDER: dOrgians, If you're attending real-life events, you can now get leads for dOrg and send them to Max. If those leads end up closing, you can earn up to 5% of the deal because of your help finding the lead.